March 21, 2023

Contact Information:

Jesse Woche, Outreach and Advocacy Coordinator

House Community Safety Committee Holds First Hearing of 88th Legislative Session

March 21, 2023 marks the first hearing of the new House Select Community Safety Committee, tasked with hearing gun bills this session.

Lawmakers have filed approximately 300 gun-related bills this year.

Texas Gun Sense supports many of the 14 firearms bills the committee will hear on Tuesday. Of particular interest are HB 2454 which would deter straw purchases of firearms and HB 2242 to expand safe gun storage education through the Keep ‘Em Safe, Texas campaign. 

“In the wake of the shooting in Uvalde that continues to shatter that community, it is past time for the Texas Legislature to engage in a fair, honest conversation on gun safety legislation,” stated Texas Gun Sense Executive Director Nicole Golden. “This session, leaders must come together to pass common sense, bipartisan legislation to prevent Texas’ epidemic of major mass shootings and escalating numbers of daily gun deaths in vulnerable communities. We will be there on Tuesday with our partners to represent the many Texans who support immediate action to prevent gun violence.”

The public is encouraged to join advocates at the Capitol or follow the hearing virtually at

Texas Gun Sense will continue to advocate for responsible gun policies until a future free from gun violence is a reality. The public can learn how to get involved at
