**Media Advisory**
For Immediate Release

February 25, 2025


Jesse Woche
Advocacy and Outreach Coordinator
E-mail: media@txgunsense.org
Website: www.txgunsense.org

THURSDAY IN AUSTIN: Texas Gun Sense to Join Coalition Advocacy Day Alongside Partner Organizations As Part of The Texas Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence

AUSTIN, Texas— Thursday, February 27, at 11am CST, advocates from across Texas will rally alongside partner organizations as part of The Texas Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence’s 2025 Advocacy Day. 

After years of Texas lawmakers putting the gun lobby ahead of their constituents’ safety and passing laws that tear down existing gun safety measures, the Texas Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence will be rallying to demand long overdue progress in the state. Three of the five worst mass shootings since 2015 have taken place in Texas, in addition to the countless preventable instances of gun violence that never make the news. 

Gun safety advocates and survivors will be sharing their stories of perseverance in the wake of tragedy, and advocating for common sense gun safety measures that will save lives across Texas, including secure storage for firearms and raising the age to 21 to purchase semi-automatic rifles. 

WHEN: Thursday, February 27 at 11AM CST 

WHERE: South Steps of the Texas State Capitol 


  • Angela Ferrell-Zabala, Executive Director of Moms Demand Action
  • Mireya Rodriguez, survivor of the mass shooting in Allen, Texas, a fellow with the Everytown Survivor Network, and volunteer leader with The University of Texas at Dallas Students Demand Action Chapter
  • Kim Rubio, Lexi’s mom and Lives Robbed President
  • Jasir Rahman, TGS Rising Leaders Chair and Rice University Student
  • Ovidia Molina, President of the Texas State Teachers Association
  • Nicole Golden, Executive Director of Texas Gun Sense
  • Steve Kling, Safety Senior Ambassador with Giffords and veteran


Please contact media@txgunsense.org for more information 

