Legislative Priorities

Every Texan deserves to be free from the threat of gun violence. We have a lot of work ahead but continue to build incremental progress. Texas Gun Sense’s 2025 Policy Agenda lays out the priorities we will advocate for in Austin to save lives in our state during the 89th Legislative Session and beyond.


Firearms are the leading cause of death for children and teens in the United States and Texas. Firearms account for the majority of completed suicides, and Texas has the highest number of unintentional shootings annually. We must reduce risks associated with unsecured firearms and their impact on unintentional shootings, domestic violence, school shootings and suicide by requiring firearms be securely stored at home and in vehicles, where they are stolen at alarming rates. At minimum, Texas should improve its child access prevention law to deter adults from making firearms accessible to youth under 18. 

✅ Secure gun storage and suicide prevention bill(s) we are following:

  • HB 528: Requiring public schools to provide to certain parents notice regarding certain incidents and risks related to the parent’s child and suicide prevention materials.
  • HB 2250: Relating to the criminal offense of making a firearm accessible to a child.



Texas Gun Sense will continue to support Uvalde parents in pushing for legislation to raise the age from 18 to 21 to purchase semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 used to murder their loved ones. Texans show strong support for raising the age: Seventy-six percent of voters – including 64% of Republicans – support raising the legal age to purchase any firearm from 18 to 21,  to match Texas’ handgun requirements. Policies that raise the minimum age can also reduce suicide.

✅ Raise the age bill(s) we are following:

  • HB 1556 : Prohibiting the transfer of certain semiautomatic rifles to certain recipients (under the age of 21).



In the past two decades, the Texas Legislature has approved more than 100 laws loosening gun regulations, even though the majority of Texans support common sense gun laws. During that period, firearm homicide and suicide rates increased to numbers not seen since the 1990s. Texas Gun Sense will defend against legislation that expands guns in our schools and other sensitive places, or that otherwise loosens restrictions that keep our communities safe. 

❌ Rollback bills we are following:

  • HB 162: Prohibits state and local governments from recognizing extreme risk protection orders, a proven tool for preventing tragedies.
  • HB 259: Removes short-barreled rifles and shotguns from Texas’ list of prohibited weapons.
  • SB 83: Prevents school districts from prohibiting school staff from carrying concealed firearms on campus.
  • HB 1337: Recognizes out-of-state carry licenses universally, further expanding who can carry firearms in Texas with minimal oversight. 
  • HB 1715: Requiring governmental entity contracts to allow the carry of handguns by license holders.
  • HB 1794 Removes the prohibition on the possession of firearms by licensed concealed handgun carriers on the premises of polling places on election day or during early voting.
  • HB 2470: Allow 18-20 year olds to purchase handguns without a license.
  • SB1362: Prohibits state and local governments from recognizing extreme risk protection orders, a proven tool for preventing tragedies.
Strategic Plan

While we focus on the regular legislative session that only occurs for five months every two years, Texas Gun Sense remains committed to the foundational work that creates systemic change. Therefore, we will utilize the following strategies for the legislative session and our broader advocacy work.


Texas Gun Sense will continue to lead the Texas Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence and remain a strong partner in the Invest In Us Texas Coalition. Through these collaborations, we will share resources, lead coalition strategy, and support partners in mental health, domestic violence, youth movements, and community violence intervention work to advance our shared goals of safe gun policies and investments in violence reduction.


Texas Gun Sense is mobilizing gun owners, healthcare professionals, survivors, and youth to actively engage in legislative advocacy at the Capitol and in their communities. We are training volunteers to meet with lawmakers, write letters to the editor, and activate their neworks. Our February 27th Advocacy Day at the Capitol will showcase the growing movement of supporters, experts, and advocates across the state.


Texas Gun Sense will continue its legacy of actively monitoring proposals around school safety, domestic violence, and suicide prevention to inject common sense gun violence prevention strategies into the broader conversation and advance gun safety measures both big and small. Throughout the legislative session and beyond, we will lead strategic messaging on comprehensive gun policies and grow our reach to the many Texans who support gun safety.


Texas Gun Sense will implement strategies to continue building support for long-term progress on expanded background checks, comprehensive safe gun storage policies, protections for domestic violence victims, and an Extreme Risk Protection Order.

January 2025

Here's how you can take action

Texans Strongly Support Safe Gun Laws;

★ 85% of Texans surveyed by the Hobby School of Public Affairs, including 78% of Republicans, support raising the age to 21 to purchase semi-automatic rifles like the one used in Uvalde in 2022.

★ 89% support background checks on all gun sales, including 84% of Republicans.

★ 88%, including 81% of Republicans, support extreme risk protection orders (red flag laws) to temporarily restrict access to a gun if someone poses a threat to themselves or others.

Reach out to your Texas elected officials and let them know that you are part of the majority of Texans who support common sense firearm safety laws.