June 14, 2024


Jesse Woche
Advocacy and Outreach Coordinator

Texas Gun Sense Condemns the Supreme Court’s Decision

Striking Down ATF Rule Prohibiting Bump Stocks

Texas Gun Sense expresses deep concern and outrage in the Supreme Court’s decision in the Cargill v. Garland case, which struck down the ATF rule prohibiting bump stocks. This ruling undermines efforts to enhance public safety and prevent mass shootings, as bump stocks have been used to dramatically increase the lethality of firearms.

Bump stocks, which enable semi-automatic firearms to fire at a rate similar to fully automatic weapons, gained national attention following the tragic mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017, where a gunman using bump stocks killed 58 people and injured hundreds more. The ATF’s rule prohibiting these devices was a crucial step toward preventing similar tragedies and protecting our communities from gun violence. This case originated in Texas by an Austin gun store owner, highlighting the state’s ongoing role in life-altering gun policy and litigation.

“This decision is outdated, dangerous, and WILL cost lives. We urge Texas lawmakers to take immediate action to address the loopholes in our gun laws that allow individuals to possess such dangerous devices. We cannot afford to wait for another tragedy to spur action. We must continue to fight to implement stronger gun safety measures that protect all Texans.” said Nicole Golden, Executive Director of Texas Gun Sense.

Texas Gun Sense will continue to advocate for comprehensive gun safety legislation, including measures to restrict access to high-capacity magazines and devices that increase the rate of fire of semi-automatic weapons. We call on our elected officials to prioritize the safety of our communities and enact policies that prevent gun violence and save lives.


Texas Gun Sense advocates to prevent gun violence and other gun tragedies through education, partnerships, and policy change. Learn more at