June 11, 2024
This Gun Violence Awareness Month, we were honored to gather survivors to share their stories for the Turning Tragedy into Action: Stories of Hope and Resilience webinar. Thank you to our courageous speakers, including those who survived a shooting and those whose loved ones have been killed or injured.
Special guest Greg Jackson of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention and moderator Lori Haas of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions joined these brave Texans.
The survivors who spoke shared their experiences with violence and loss, and these stories renewed our commitment to work for change.
As Carolyn Thomas, survivor or firearm domestic violence said:
What I can say is thanks to God, I’m here. Every day I wake up, I know that God has a plan, there’s something else for me to do.
You can find a recording of this powerful discussion on the Texas Gun Sense YouTube channel.
During the event, survivor Dr. Angel Durr proclaimed the following about ending gun violence in Texas: It’s about incremental change – the small wins add up over time. If you start picking the problem apart piece by piece and start dealing with little pieces of the problem, that’s essentially how we’re going to solve it. |
Please support these courageous survivors and for work with change in Texas a donation of any size. Your gift allows us to continue uplifting the voices of those most impacted by gun violence.
Thank you!
Jesse Woche
Advocacy and Outreach Coordinator
This event is part of Texas Gun Sense’s ongoing webinar series: Education to End Gun Violence.
This series brings together the many voices of the gun violence prevention movement in Texas to inform, discuss, and connect with other advocates. These events examine a variety of perspectives and ideas in order to chart a course for change.
We prevent gun violence and other gun tragedies in Texas through education, partnerships, and policy change.
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