Your Impact in Action: Updates on Advocacy Efforts

As we reflect on the impactful moments of our fall fundraiser last week, we extend our deepest gratitude to the incredible supporters, sponsors, and inspiring speakers who united to champion a safer Texas. The work we do together is laying the groundwork for a future free from gun violence.

Uniting Against Domestic Violence – October Newsletter

In 2022, 216 Texans were killed in intimate partner violence and more than 70% of victims were killed with a firearm. Firearms increase the chances that an intimate partner will be murdered by 5 times. Loopholes in federal and state law leave guns in the hands of abusive partners and stalkers, often with deadly results. Read more.

Take Action – Support Background Checks

We need you to submit a comment to support a crucial rule change that would bring us closer to having federal background checks on all gun sales, a measure that 86% of Texas voters support.

September Newsletter – Suicide Prevention Starts With Us

In 2022, 26,993 people in the United States died by suicide with a firearm, and according to recent data, 4,193 Texans died by suicide in 2021. While all suicide attempts have an 8.5% death rate, those involving firearms are the number one cause of suicide death and have an 89.6% mortality rate. These numbers are startling, and we’re committed to improving them.

Help Sponsor A Safer Texas

Save the date for Texas Gun Sense’s annual fundraiser, A Safer Texas: Celebrating Successes and Charting A Bold Future on November 8, 2023, at KMFA Studios in Austin, where we will gather to pause, reflect, and celebrate progress that can only be made together.

Help Us Fight Extremism In Texas

The recent launch of a Texas non-profit by Kyle Rittenhouse is a stark reminder that we must continue to push back against powerful extremism.

August Newsletter – Honoring Survivors

An important part of our work includes honoring the far too many people impacted by the gun violence crisis that claims the lives of more than 4,000 Texans every year and injures thousands more

Engaging Young People In Advocacy

For teens who want to get involved, there are so many ways you can help. Even if you can’t vote for policymakers who would support common sense gun reform

July Newsletter – Recapping The 88th Legislative Session

In case you missed it, last week Texas Gun Sense hosted a powerful virtual event to recap our advocacy for gun safety during the 88th Legislative Session. We brought together passionate individuals and expert speakers to share insights and explore solutions. Thank you to all who attended!

Panel Discussion – Unpacking The 88th Legislative Session

Watch our engaging and informative virtual panel discussion Gun Safety: Unpacking the 88th Texas Legislative Session originally recorded on Thursday, July 13th, 2023. Our moderator is Nicole Golden, Texas Gun Sense Executive Director. Guests include Representative Vikki Goodwin, Dr. Lauren Gambill, and Christina Delgado from Community Justice Action Fund.