Texas Gun Sense Thanks You!

Thank you to all of our donors and supporters! Because of you, we’ve reached our year-end fundraising goal! We’re more ready than ever to keep working for common sense gun policies.

It’s Not Too Late To Give In 2023!

Texas Gun Sense finds hope in action. We believe the work we do will build a strong movement for change and save lives.

Please support us today. Thanks to the generous support of donors that believe in our work, 100% of your year-end giving will continue to propel this hope in action forward and directly support our mission to Prevent gun violence and other gun tragedies in Texas through education, partnerships, and policy change.

December Newsletter: Building Momentum

Last week proved once again why our commitment to ending gun violence is so critical: A gunman murdered six people and injured three in a string of horrific Central Texas shootings, while an individual with a dangerous history was seen pacing outside of Austin schools armed with a rifle.

Texas Gun Sense responds to string of Central Texas shootings

This week, 6 people were killed and 3 were injured in a string of shootings that took place in Austin and San Antonio, perpetrated by a single gunman who killed his parents before shooting others.

“We cannot allow the public to become numb to the daily crisis of gun violence in our state,” says Nicole Golden, Executive Director of Texas Gun Sense.

Your Impact in Action: Updates on Advocacy Efforts

As we reflect on the impactful moments of our fall fundraiser last week, we extend our deepest gratitude to the incredible supporters, sponsors, and inspiring speakers who united to champion a safer Texas. The work we do together is laying the groundwork for a future free from gun violence.

Uniting Against Domestic Violence – October Newsletter

In 2022, 216 Texans were killed in intimate partner violence and more than 70% of victims were killed with a firearm. Firearms increase the chances that an intimate partner will be murdered by 5 times. Loopholes in federal and state law leave guns in the hands of abusive partners and stalkers, often with deadly results. Read more.

Engaging Young People In Advocacy

For teens who want to get involved, there are so many ways you can help. Even if you can’t vote for policymakers who would support common sense gun reform

Panel Discussion – Unpacking The 88th Legislative Session

Watch our engaging and informative virtual panel discussion Gun Safety: Unpacking the 88th Texas Legislative Session originally recorded on Thursday, July 13th, 2023. Our moderator is Nicole Golden, Texas Gun Sense Executive Director. Guests include Representative Vikki Goodwin, Dr. Lauren Gambill, and Christina Delgado from Community Justice Action Fund.

PTSD and Me

By guest author Dr. Angel Durr. “My heart aches with an indescribable pain that never fades. My 54-year-old mother was taken from me and my family in April 2021 by a senseless and preventable act of gun violence.” READ MORE